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Ali Express Customs Usa

AliExpress Customs and Taxes

How Do Customs and Taxes Work on AliExpress?

When you purchase an item on AliExpress, the seller is responsible for shipping the item to you. However, you may be responsible for paying customs and taxes on the item when it arrives in your country.

Customs and Taxes

Customs and taxes are fees that are imposed by governments on imported goods. The amount of customs and taxes that you will be charged depends on the value of the item, the country of origin, and the country of destination.

Who is Responsible for Paying Customs and Taxes?

In most cases, the buyer is responsible for paying customs and taxes on imported goods. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, if the seller agrees to pay customs and taxes, or if the item is shipped as a gift, the buyer may not be responsible for paying these fees.

How to Pay Customs and Taxes

If you are required to pay customs and taxes on an item that you have purchased from AliExpress, you will be contacted by your local customs office. You will then need to pay the customs and taxes before you can receive the item.

What Happens if I Don't Pay Customs and Taxes?

If you do not pay customs and taxes on an item that you have purchased from AliExpress, the item may be seized by customs. You may also be fined or penalized.


It is important to be aware of the customs and taxes that you may be required to pay on imported goods. By understanding these fees, you can avoid any unexpected surprises when your item arrives.
